Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Night before induction

Well, Kyen didn't make his presence known today. So I guess he prefers we stick to the schedule and allow his birthday to be tomorrow the 10th after all. I've come to terms with the fact that my body is doing just fine holding this 'lil angel in and I truly do feel blessed to have had this time with his family (and him). When I look back on this week, I'll cherish the time we shared together in Oklahoma. :)

Today was hectic for me. I've been going non stop since I woke up (can't believe I'm giving birth tomorrow when I feel so damn good - it's just not natural, I tell ya).

We had lunch with my twin sister's IPs before their 4D ultrasound this afternoon (I went to take pictures as Ang did for me) - it's a BOY!...penis vibes radiated off me and stuck to them, I think, LOL.

After the ultrasound,

I came home to pack a bit for my upcoming vacation with my family (after I deliver and get out of the hospital - Monday - we have plans to go to Port Aransas, TX - if all is well).

Then we went to my IPs hotel and drove to a small town called Okarche for some Oklahoma fried chicken (Eischen's - Oklahoma's oldest

bar) - YUM! It's a dive, but we had a great time! My parents, grandma, and mom's boss and fiancé (Fred and Janeal) were all there too.

My family is staying the night w/Fred tonight so they can come visit me at the hospital tomorrow. At the restaurant we exchanged a few gifts - Noel got an amazing thank you card (had me teary) and gift certificate to Bass Pro from aunt Suzanne and uncle Bob! Overall, I think it was a nice evening to end my

IP's time here w/o baby in tow. ;)

Now, it's baby birth'n time! I've got to be up at 3:00am tomorrow, so I'm going to bed now (if I can). I hope to be hooked up to Pitocin by 5:00am (dreading it, but not much else I can do - it's my OB's induction protocol) and then I'll get my water broke by OB better be on time too - we've waited long enough for baby to get here and that's all I've needed her to help me with.

Please pray that all goes well for us and I'll post again after the little miracle arrives! :)